Fanfiction Recommendations

The following table provides summarizes the various fanfiction reviews/recommendations I have done in my weblog.

Type Fic Reviewed Author Content Status Rating
Harry Potter Bungle in the Jungle JBern M In Progress E
Harry Potter Kitty Torture Fuyumi PG Complete G
Harry Potter Charming Fuyumi R In Progess G
Harry Potter Backwards Compatible Ruskbyte PG-13 In Progess G
Harry Potter Flying Without A Broom Ruskbyte PG-13 In Progess G
Buffy & Smallville Runaway Trains At 3 A.M. C. L. Kamnikar PG Complete E
Buffy & Smallville Lines of Communication C. L. Kamnikar PG Complete E
Buffy Contrite Spirits Lizbeth Marcs PG Complete G
Buffy The Slayer In Question Booster PG-13 Complete G
Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Rising Darkness kyc639 PG-13 Complete A
Harry Potter Realizations Wishweaver PG In Progress E
Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate Arya Up to NC-17 In Progress E
Harry Potter This Means War! Jeconais R In Progress G
Harry Potter Harry Potter & the Heir of Ancients anon2 PG-13 In Progress P

Rating Key:    E - Excellent | G - Good | A - Acceptable | P - Poor | T - Terrible

Created on ... August 12, 2004