Monday, May 24, 2004

Angel Dangling Plot Threads and Mysteries

— Matt Harris @ 8:59 pm

This post was inspired by a question on usenet by “Dan Lam” entitled, “Mysteries that may never be answered”.

After reading his post, I realized there where a lot of dangling plot threads and questions where we never learned the answers. My list (overlaps with Dan’s):

  1. What about the Cyborgs from episode S5 E7, “Lineage”? Who sent them?
  2. Who exactly are the Powers That Be and what did they really want? While we never saw the Senior Partners (except maybe for S2 E15, “Reprise”), I think it was fairly clear that they were out for power. We never found out why the PTBs helped Angel in the first place. Also, where were the PTBs this season? Did they give up on Angel? We had Cordelia’s vision that she gave to Angel and her temporary return from the dead, but that is about it. Did it have something to do with Jasmine dying at the end of S4?
  3. In Epiphany, Angel was able to get into Kate’s apartment without an invitation. Was it the Powers That Be? If so why did they intervene? The same goes for the mysterious snowstorm in Sunnydale and Angel coming back from Hell.
  4. Whatever happened to the Groosalug?
  5. Why did Lindsey really return? When he left in “Dead End”, it seemed he realized the true price of working for Wolfram and Hart and figured it was too high. Envy at Angel for his becoming CEO of the LA branch seems a little off to me.
  6. Does the Shansu Propechy now apply to Spike? Did it always? Has Angel really lost his chance to become human?
  7. Illyria. How did she die in the first place? How did her tomb disappear in the first place? Drogyn (in “Hole In The World”) said he believed that is was “predestined” as part of Illyria’s escape plan, but I don’t recall her saying anything to that effect and I think she was somewhat surprised at her rebirth.
  8. Gunn. Why did Wolfram and Hart choose to give him überlawyer powers? While their loss served to get Illyria into the country, from what Hamilton said (and I believe him), that was not something the Senior Partners wanted.
  9. Drogyn. Who or what made him immortal in the first place and placed him in charge of the well?

Sigh…so many questions that will never be answered.

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